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- 1 July 2021: Introduction Van-Dock shelter DSV-NG
- 1 januari 2021: Introductie poedercoaten
- 17 March 2021: New option Wheel guides
- 20 September 2020: New Dock House NG
- 1 August 2020: Strengthening Dockshelter DSCM-R
- June 1st., 2017: Introduction new Tail Lift Seal ATS-DLH
- 01 november 2016: Changes in pit 020/030/059 and 060
- October 12, 2016: Dock houses comply to standards
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Latest product news
Stay informed of the latest developments of our products and projects:
July 2021: Introduction New Dock shelter!
We are proud to introduce to you the new Van-Dock shelter DSV-NG. Especially designed for parcel services and delivery vans...read more
Since January 2021: Introduction of powdercoating!
We are proud to announce that from the start of 2021 all Dockequipment.eu dock levellers are in powder coated condition.read more
17 March 2021: New option Wheel guides.
Developing tailor-made solutions together with the customer, and making use of our latest technologies. That is how the new option for the wheel guides was created...read more
20 September 2020: New Dock House NG.
We are pleased to inform you that the new Loading Systems dock house NG is now available for order. The improvements over the old model are...read more
1 August 2020: Strengthening Dock Shelter DSCM-R.
We have made an improvement for all front-mounted variants of our Dock shelters Type DSCM-R....read more
June 1st, 2017: introduction new tail lift Seal ATS-DLH.
We are proud to announce the new Tail lift seal, the ATS-DLH, which provides optimum protection of the tail lift opening...read more
November 1, 2016: Changes in pit 020, 030, 059 and 060.
To guarantee a better durability of our products we made some changes in the design of the pit frames Read more
October 12, 2016 : Dock houses comply to standards EN 1090-1 and ISO 3834-4 Read more