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- 01 november 2016: Changes in pit 020/030/059 and 060
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Changes in pitsystem 020, 030, 059 and 060
1 november 2016
Pit 020, 030 and 059 dock levellers dlh-ng and dle-ng
To guarantee a better durability of our products we made some changes in the design of the pit frames of pit 020, 030 and 059. At the rear frame of docklevellers with deck width 2000 two extra anchors are added. Product drawings and installation drawings have been changed.
Also the length of the welds to attach the rear frame of the leveller to the pit frame of pit 020, 030 and 059 is changed.
Installation manuals have been changed as well.
Pit 060 dock levellers dlh-ng and dle-ng
The pit frames of pit 060 are made of 8mm thick steel but the gap for this angled steel is 10mm. To avoid a difference in height after installing the dockleveller the height of this gap is changed to 8mm.
We have changed the following documentation, which our registered resellers can find after login.
1. Installation drawings
2. Product drawings
3. Installation manuals
Should you have any questions concerning this information, please do not hesitate to contact us.